Lumi Eyes

Dark eye circles & hollow tear troughs

Lumi Eyes is a high-quality product that repairs damage to the dermis with polynucleotides with a strong tissue regenerating effect.

The effect of the treatment is strong hydration and rejuvenation of the tissue, as well as the reduction of symptoms of fatigue and skin blueing.

How Does it work?

As a tissue booster, it has a proven rejuvenating effect. Stimulation of the skin cells, collagen and elastin allows to delay the ageing processes and strengthens the skin. It improves the firmness, density and quality of the skin in an extremely natural way.


It destroys dark circles under the eyes, moisturises and fights fine wrinkles, as well as smoothing and lifting the skin under the eyes.


How long does it take for Lumi Eyes to take effect?

Lumi Eyes offers perfect results after just one session, however for optimum results, we recommend having a course of 2 treatments, 4 weeks apart.

We also offer lumitox which is a Botox mix for extra effect.

Great treatment if your not a candidate for tear trough fillers or nervous about getting fillers.

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